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Welcome to our third Konquest at the Keep, where we will be playing Conquest: the Last Argument of Kings! Players will be bringing 2,000 point armies and competing against the best of the best that the area has to offer! Registration begins at 9:30, round 1 begins at 10. Prizes will take the form of store credit, plus bonus goodies TBD.

The tournament will use whatever the current rules are at time of the tournament. Lists must be submitted to the following email - - and list submissions are due by midnight the week before the event (so midnight of 2/7), except for in the event that new rules are released between 2/7 and 2/15, in which case all players may re-submit lists during that time.


Once all lists are submitted, missions will be determined and publicly posted. We will be playing four two-hour rounds by default.

Konquest at the Keep #3 - 2000 Points - February 15th

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